Coursework: Preliminary exercise 2024

 1) State the song you have chosen for your preliminary exercise.

All the small things - Blink 182

2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene.

  • The camerawork and editing to create that edgy vibe
  • The live performance aspect of the band remaining stationary as the camera moves around them.

  • Purely the idea for a large open space where a live performance can take place
  • The camerawork such as the close ups on the artists as we reach a moment where they take the spotlight.

  • The romantic yet comedic and edgy narrative of teenage dirtbag being a direct inspiration
  • The mise-en-scene of costume being a large inspiration too with the Y2K look.

3) Write a short music video treatment for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can find an example of a treatment here. If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project. 
Full 30 second extract will be a Lego stop motion segment. Beginning of clip will be halfway through song. Animation will consist of only narrative, no performance through characters. Narrative will consist of lego man watching TV, talking to his partner after he comes home from work, Will have a seperate shot outside the set where he arrives home.

"Late night, come home
Work sucks, I know
She left me roses by the stairs
Surprises let me know she cares"

4) Write a shot list containing EVERY shot you plan to film AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing (in a music video you will find you need FAR more shots than you think, particularly close-ups). These additional shots can be close-ups, alternative angles or something more creative. I advise using a simple table on Microsoft Word/Google Docs to set out your shot list - you can find an example here (this is from narrative filmmaking but the same format can be used for any video project)

One overall longshot of full set, occasional close up to lego characters, beginning establishing shot.

5) Plan your mise-en-scene: what iconography are you including to ensure your audience understands the genre and style of your artist? Plan your settings, costume, make-up, props and lighting. 
Ideally will contain furniture designed for an earlier 2000s look in Lego, basic living room set up: TV, sofa, table. Setting will be a house set with an open front wall as it is going to be represented as a set and not an actual house, bricks will be in random colours as I do not have the correct bricks as of yet. Clothing of characters will also be a casual basic style, ideally Y2K but again I do not have the correct pieces as of yet to make this possible. A constant bright lighting will be essential to hold the authenticity of the video and make it look more professional and consistent.

6) Plan a shooting schedule that will ensure everything is filmed by the deadline. Include when, where, who is required, planned equipment and any other aspects you need to arrange. 
Lego set will be inside my bedroom in front of a background of some sort, black or white background. Only other pieces of needed equipment are a ring light and tripod for my phone which im using to record.

Video Link:


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